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Research Methods in Psychology (205-0-25)


Alissa Chung

Meeting Info

Kresge Centennial Hall 2-343: Mon, Wed 10:00AM - 1:00PM

Overview of class

The goal of this course is to develop an understanding of basic methodologies in psychological research. Students will learn how to design, conduct, analyze, and write reports about their own research studies in a psychology topic of their choosing. The course will also cover the ethics of research, how to read and understand published research, and how to distinguish studies that are scientifically sound from those that are not. There will be a heavy emphasis on the process of writing up a psychological research study.

In this course, we will use both a book that will serve as our primary text and additional required articles that will be posted on Canvas. Both sources of reading will be critical for understanding this course and will not be fully covered in lectures. There will also be in-class demonstrations, data gathering, and group work.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, my goal is that you will be able to:
1.Read a peer-reviewed journal article and have a reasonable understanding of the authors' hypotheses, methods, and analysis of their research.
2.Select what kind of basic statistical procedures should be used to analyze different kinds of data.
3.Design a simple but scientifically sound psychological experiment, survey, observational, and developmental study.
4.Design and implement one of the above kinds of studies with a group of your peers.
5.Write a clear, coherent scientific research paper from beginning to end.

Teaching Method

The course will be a combination of lectures, group work, in class projects, and in class demonstrations.

Evaluation Method

Evaluation is based on completion of 3 APA style research reports (10, 20, 40%), 1 group presentation (15%), 4 short (1-2 page) papers (10%), and class participation (5%). The research reports build over the quarter, with the final paper being a complete APA style research paper based on a group designed original research project.

Class Materials (Required)

Textbook: Gorvine, B., Rosengren, K, Stein, L., & Biolsi, K. (2017).Research methods: From theory to practice. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-020182-1.

Additional readings to be found on Canvas

Class Attributes

Advanced Expression
Empirical and Deductive Reasoning Foundational Dis
Prerequisites apply, see description

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: REQ: To register, students must have completed PSYCH 201 with a C- or higher, STAT 202 with a B or higher, Stat 210 with a B or higher, or have AP credit (score of 5) for STAT 202.