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Classical Mythology (260-0-10)


Abbe Walker

Meeting Info

Kresge Centennial Hall 2-430: Tues, Thurs 1:00PM - 3:30PM

Overview of class

Power, injustice, dysfunctional families. Love, betrayal, revenge. Creativity, innovation, change. The myths of the Greeks and Romans provide an abundance of traditional stories that deal with these enduring themes of the human experience. In this course, students will analyze stories of the origins of the universe, the pantheon of gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines and more in order to see how they helped shape ancient identity and how they provide a space for us to continue to shape our own. Through close readings of ancient texts in translation, group discussions, lectures, and creative writing projects students will gain an understanding of ancient Greco-Roman myths as they were told in their cultural and historical contexts and consider how they have impacted and been reconsidered by subsequent generations up to and including our own.

Class Attributes

Historical Studies Foundational Discipline
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Interdisciplinary Distro-rules apply
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area
Ethics & Values Distro Area