Organic Chemistry I (215-1-23)
Derek Nelson
Meeting Info
Technological Institute L361: Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Overview of class
Summer: Foundational concepts in organic chemistry will be introduced. Topics include structure and properties of common functional groups, acidity/basicity, conformational analysis, stereochemistry, and reactivity of organic compounds.
Registration Requirements
Co-Requisite: Students must also register for Chemistry 235-1. Add both classes to the shopping cart and submit together for successful registration.
Prerequisites: CHEM 132-0 and CHEM 142-0, or CHEM 152-0 and CHEM 162-0, or CHEM 172-0 and CHEM 182-0 (C- or better); or qualifying score on the Chemistry Placement Exam.
Class Materials (Required)
Title: Organic Chemistry, 3rd edition, e-book (includes supplemental materials)
Author: Joel Karty
Publisher: Norton
ISBN: 9780393877649
Approx. price: $118 e-book
We recommend the e-book, because it includes supplemental materials not offered with the physical book. If you choose to purchase the paper copy of the book instead, you will also be required to purchase a standalone copy of the SmartWork homework platform ($35).
This is the same text used in CHEM 215-2 and 215-3.
Class Materials (Suggested)
1. Molecular Modeling Kit (approx. $30)
Class Attributes
Natural Sciences Foundational Discipline
Natural Sciences Distro Area
Attendance at 1st class mandatory
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Co-Requisite: Students must also register for CHEM 235-1. Add both classes (CHEM 215-1 & 235-1) to the shopping cart and submit together for successful registration.
You must complete CHEM 132 & CHEM 142, or CHEM 152 & CHEM 162, or CHEM 172 & CHEM 182, OR Chem 132-CN & 142-CN (C- or better); or received a qualifying score on the Chemistry Placement Exam; or are currently enrolled in Chem 132 & 142 OR 132-CN & 142-CN.