Human Origins (213-0-1)
Keegan Carey Krause
Meeting Info
ANTHRO Sem Rm 104 - 1810 Hinmn: Tues, Thurs 1:00PM - 3:30PM
Overview of class
Anthropology is the holistic consideration of the human condition, past and present. Biological anthropology is the anthropological subdiscipline that focuses on the evolution, biological variation, and adaptations of humans and their past and present relatives. In this course, we will overview biological anthropology and the fundamentals of the scientific method through principles of evolutionary theory, basic molecular biology, and genetics. We will discuss the nuances of contemporary human population biology, non-human primate sociality and behavior, as well as fossil evidence for human evolution through comparative data from non-human primate ecology. Throughout the course, particular attention will be put on exploring biological and behavioral adaptation in diverse eco-social contexts, ultimately influencing our contemporary human condition. This course counts toward the Weinberg College natural sciences distribution requirement. A scientific adventure awaits!
Class Materials (Required)
Essentials of Biological Anthropology Fifth Edition Ebook + inQuisitive ISBN: 978-0-393-87684-0 $49.95 (inquisitive access may be purchased separately if one chooses to purchase a used book).
Class Attributes
Natural Sciences Foundational Discipline
Natural Sciences Distro Area