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Writing the TV Pilot (363-0-25)


Eliza Bent

Meeting Info

Online: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

In this class, we will study the fundamentals of writing for television from concept, logline, and treatment to story arc and season outline. Through reading assignments, viewing coursework, and written exercises we will explore ways to write TV episodes suited to a variety of interests, tastes, and aesthetics. We will study examples from TV of the past and present, programs from abroad, as well as more emerging web-based forms.

Registration Requirements

Although RTVF 260 is a useful foundation, it is not a prerequisite for this summer offering of the course.

Class Attributes

Prerequisites apply, see description
Synchronous:Class meets remotely at scheduled time

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Students must have completed RTVF 260-0 in order to register for this course (concurrent registration is not allowed) or students in Writing: MFA or Documentary Media: MFA programs