Advancing Diversity and Inclusion Through Intentional Leadership and Organizational Change (479-0-21)
Lesley-Ann Brown-Henderson
Maria Genao-Homs
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall 303: Tues, Sa 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Overview of class
To effectively lead initiatives that support the needs of higher education organizations and their diverse students, faculty, staff, employees, customers, and stakeholders, we must have a solid understanding of how individual identities and institutional/organizational and structural inequities impact experiences. In this course, students are expected to analyze and discuss bias, power, privilege, and marginalization on individual and systemic levels. This course focuses on understanding and practicing the critical elements of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) work through assessment, strategic planning, initiative alignment, and influencing organizational change.
Class Materials (Required)
Class Notes
This course meets in person on two Saturdays, June 22 and July 20, from 10am-3pm, room TBA.
Class Attributes
Hybrid: Remote component and in-person mtgs