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Topics in US Latina/o Literary and Cultural Studies (363-0-1)


U.S. Latinx Literature in Spanish: Identity, Cultu


Alicia Vanessa Nunez

Meeting Info

Kresge Centennial Hall 2-430: Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

U.S. Latinx Literature in Spanish: Identity, Culture, & Transnationalism

Recently, there is growing awareness of the tremendous impact Latino/a/x writers have had in the fabric of the United States. And yet, this is not new. Spanish speaking works and testimonies have existed since the inception of the U.S. Likewise, immigrant and U.S. born Latinx writers have long written about their experiences and have enriched the literary perspectives of this country. This course focuses on the literary and historical trajectory of Latino/a/x in the United States from the time of the Spanish explorations/conquests to the current surge of migrants at the U.S.-Mexican border. Themes such as language, assimilation, generational differences, immigration, exile, migration, gender, and sexuality will all be considered. Prerequisite: 1 course from SPANISH 220-0, SPANISH 250-0, SPANISH 251-0, SPANISH 260-0, or SPANISH 261-0.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisite: 1 course from SPANISH 220-0, SPANISH 250-0, SPANISH 251-0, SPANISH 260-0, or SPANISH 261-0.

Learning Objectives

1. The students will be able to critically discuss and analyze historical and cultural themes such as: bilingualism, racism, cultural assimilation, and identity construction among others.

2. The students will be able to identify literary genres, literary and cultural movements, and identify and understand its social and historical context.

Class Materials (Required)

No class materials needed .

Class Attributes

Interdisciplinary Distro-rules apply
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: 1 course from SPANISH 220-0, SPANISH 250-0, SPANISH 251-0, SPANISH 260-0, or SPANISH 261-0.