Topics in the Bible (329-0-20)
Sex and the Bible
Allison Hurst
Meeting Info
University Hall 118: Mon, Wed 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
What does the Bible have to say about sex, and why should we care? The Bible has been a source of many things—fantastical stories, ethical principles, hope in the midst of despair—but perhaps none is more personal than when the Bible is used as a source for sexual guidance. In this class, we'll delve into what the Bible says about who can have sex with whom, what kind of sex they can have, who can (and cannot) consent to sex, and more. Beyond what the texts of the Hebrew Bible and Christian Testament say explicitly, however, we'll also consider the contexts in which these texts were written and the ideas about sex and sexuality that would have been present in their respective cultural milieus. Finally, we will discuss how these texts have been deployed in discussions about sex and sexuality into the modern period.
This course is for students who are (or are willing to become) comfortable talking explicitly about sex and sexuality. Together, we will read and analyze both primary and secondary sources and engage in discussion about these sensitive topics. During the course, we will look at several case studies of contemporary issues together, but students will also have the opportunity to investigate the use of a biblical passage of their choice in a context that is relevant to them (for example, legal rulings, public policies, medical standards of care, etc.).
Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Identify some of the major themes and questions regarding sex in the Hebrew Bible and Christian Testament; 2. Situate biblical texts in history in order to have a clearer understanding of key terms and concepts in their original contexts;
3. Analyze the rhetoric of biblical texts regarding issues of sex;
4. Assess the consequences of how contemporary authors deploy biblical texts in their own writing about sex.
Teaching Method
Class Materials (Required)
Class materials will be provided on Canvas
Class Attributes
Ethics & Values Distro Area