Theories of Religion (395-0-20)
Robert Orsi
847 4675175
Crowe Hall, 1860 Campus Drive, 4-141
Meeting Info
Crowe 4-130 Rel Studies Sem Rm: Tues 3:00PM - 5:30PM
Overview of class
Religion(s) is implicated in all aspects of human life, such as sexuality, politics, sickness and healing, and family relations. What does it mean to think about religion as both distinct from and entangled in these various areas of human existence? What sorts of critical tools can we use to assess religion's impact on the world and, conversely, the world's impact on religion? Is religion even about human relationships with gods or other special beings? In this course we study how thinkers past and present have considered these questions.
Registration Requirements
For majors and minors only or by permission.
Class Attributes
Ethics & Values Distro Area
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Religious Studies Majors and Minors only or Permission by Instructor.