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Psychological Tests & Measures (369-0-1)


Renee Engeln

Meeting Info

TBA: Tues 5:00PM - 7:50PM

Overview of class

Are online personality tests useful? What do intelligence tests really measure? Do psychologists still show people inkblots?

This course will address these and many other questions related to the current science of psychological tests and measures. The assessments we'll focus on will be primarily from the fields of clinical and personality psychology. We will also cover some tests relevant to social psychology and industrial-organizational psychology. Course topics include the theory behind psychological testing and assessment; the historical context for psychological testing and related legal and ethical considerations; the basics of test construction and evaluation, including reliability, validity, and standardization; and common measures of personality, psychopathology, and ability, and their psychometric properties.

During the course, you will work with a team to develop your own measure of a psychological construct and to evaluate the psychometric soundness of test scores resulting from this measure. After successful completion of this course, you should be able to demonstrate proficiency with regard to the terminology and concepts involved in psychological testing, conduct relevant statistical analyses including factor analysis, demonstrate an understanding of the purposes and applications of commonly used psychological tests, and critically evaluate the use and misuse of psychological testing, both historically and presently.

This course is highly recommended for those hoping to pursue graduate study in psychology, especially clinical psychology.

Registration Requirements

Registration Requirements Psych 205.

Teaching Method

The course will meet once a week for three hours. The class will be synchronous and attendance is required. The three hours will include lecture, group work, lab work (via remote desktop, you do not need to purchase software), and other activities.

Evaluation Method

Evaluation methods include two take-home exams, an ongoing (group) research project, and lab-based activities/assignments. Your final paper for the course will be an APA-style research report on the measure you work with a group to create and test

Class Materials (Required)

Required text:
Cohen, R.J. et al. (2022). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement. (10th edition). McGraw Hill. ISBN: 9781260837025

Please obtain the 10th edition of this textbook. There are inexpensive used copies available online, or you can rent it from McGraw Hill directly. Please contact me if you would like assistance finding an inexpensive version of this book.

Additional readings will be posted on Canvas.

Class Attributes

Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
Attendance at 1st class mandatory
Prerequisites apply, see description

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must complete Psych 205-0 before taking this course.