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Psychology of Attitudes (311-0-1)


Galen Bodenhausen

Meeting Info

Technological Institute L150: Mon, Wed 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

This is an advanced social psychology course designed to survey one of the most active, dynamic areas of the discipline. The central focus of the course will be on the fundamental nature of attitudes, beliefs, and opinions. We will consider a variety of basic questions, including: What is an attitude? What functions do attitudes serve? Where do our attitudes come from? Is there such a thing as an unconscious attitude? Do most people show consistency among their various attitudes? What is the role of emotion versus reason in social attitudes? How and when are attitudes related to actual behavior? How and when can attitudes be changed?

Registration Requirements

Prerequisites: Psych 110 and Psych 213

Teaching Method

Lecture, Readings, Class participation

Evaluation Method

Midterm exam, final Exam, several short written assignments and a term paper, participation

Class Materials (Required)

Attitudes and Attitude Change (2nd edition) by Tobias Vogel and Michaela Wänke (2016, Routledge), ISBN: 978-1-84169-674-4 (available in paperback and Kindle formats)

Class Attributes

Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area
Attendance at 1st class mandatory
Prerequisites apply, see description