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Special Topics in Cognition (460-0-1)


Interaction and Dialogue


William Horton

Meeting Info

Swift Hall 231: Wed 9:00AM - 11:50AM

Overview of class

In this course, we will critically read and evaluate select theories, methodologies, and findings from empirical and descriptive approaches to discourse and linguistic interaction. In particular, there will be a special emphasis upon issues related to meaning and social interaction.

Learning Objectives

Through this class, students will:
- become familiar with some of the foundational theories and ideas guiding the study of language use in interaction
- acquire an understanding of the methods and approaches used to study human dialogue
- apply a critical lens in evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of different accounts of dialogic interaction
- have the opportunity to apply this knowledge in conceptualizing and writing a final paper project

Teaching Method

Discussion: Seminar-style discussion of weekly readings
Presentations: Informal presentations of weekly readings
Research Project: Final paper based on a research proposal
Writing assignments: weekly written responses to the readings

Evaluation Method

Class participation: 20% of final grade
Final Paper: 50% of final grade
Writing Assignments: 30% of final grade

Class Materials (Required)

No required text. All readings will be available as PDF via Canvas.

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory
Prerequisites apply, see description

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Pre-requisite: Student must be part of the Psychology PhD program to enroll.