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Special Topics in Psychology (350-0-3)


Using R for Analysis


William Revelle
Swift 315
Office Hours: Tuesday 2:00-4:00pm

Meeting Info

Swift Hall 210: Mon, Wed 3:30PM - 5:30PM

Overview of class

R is open source statistical system that has become the lingua franca of statistical data analysis. R is both a statistical system for processing data using traditional and modern statistics and a programming language for developing new methods. This course will introduce you to R with an emphasis in using R for psychological research. Time will be spent using standard R packages for data analysis including regression, factor analysis, test construction, and multilevel modeling. Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of programming in R and will be shown how to modify existing packages to be more useful for their own work. No prior experience in programming is required, although a willingness to learn is essential.

Registration Requirements

Recommended Prereq: Psych 110

Class Materials (Required)

No textbook required; readings will be provided by the instructor.

Class Attributes

Prerequisites apply, see description