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Research Methods in Psychology (205-0-23)


H. David Smith

Meeting Info

Parkes Hall 224: Mon, Wed 9:30AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

This course will introduce students to methods used in psychological research. Through readings, lectures, discussion, and hands-on activities (specifically the handling of a statistics program used for data collection and analyses), students will learn about the scientific approach to research designs and about the analysis and interpretation of data. They will participate in novel research projects and will write a report on each in the style used by research psychologists. Primary goals are for students to learn (1) testing hypotheses, including data collection and statistical analyses, (2) writing effectively about research plans and findings, and (3) critically evaluating psychological research done by other people

Registration Requirements

Students must have taken PSYCH 201 or an approved substitute before enrolling in PSYCH 205. Students with AP credit for STAT 202 or AP credit for STAT 210 need to contact about permission to enroll, because CAESAR does not automatically accept that as the prerequisite. Please see the department website for more information.

Class Materials (Required)

Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach, 9th Edition Bruce B. Abbott and Kenneth S Bordens ISBN-13: 978-0078035456 ISBN-10: 0078035457

Class Attributes

Advanced Expression
Empirical and Deductive Reasoning Foundational Dis
Formal Studies Distro Area
Attendance at 1st class mandatory
Prerequisites apply, see description

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: REQ: To register, students must have completed PSYCH 201 with a C- or higher, STAT 202 with a B or higher, Stat 210 with a B or higher, or have AP credit (score of 5) for STAT 202.