First-Year Writing Seminar (101-8-4)
Farhad Zadeh
Technological Institute Building (2145 Sheridan Road), Room F-215, Evanston
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall G29: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM
Overview of class
This course focuses on the invisible universe at radio wavelengths for non-science and science majors. Radio night sky and the solar system planets look very different than the visible night sky and planets. Studying the invisible universe provides an awe in the diversity of phenomena that our universe offers. The realm of the invisible includes the components of the fascinating history of radio astronomy, and numerous discoveries over the last 90 years (e.g., pulsars, quasars, the Big Bang background radiation, organic molecules) and fundamental differences between radio and optical telescopes.
Class Attributes
WCAS Writing Seminar
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Weinberg First Year Seminars are only available to first-year students.