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Advanced Topics in Condensed Matter (450-0-1)


Anupam Garg
Technological Institute (2145 Sheridan Road), Room F-327), Evanston

Meeting Info

Technological Institute LG62: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

This graduate-level class will provide an introduction to the physical principles underlying superconducting qubits. We will discuss (A) the physics of superconductivity and the Josephson effect, "requantization" of the phase of the order parameter, and all the qubits all this leads to: the Cooper pair box, flux qubit, transmon, etc. (B) sources of decoherence, T1 and T2 processes, and mechanisms for mitigating decoherence. The class will be taught as an advanced seminar with student participation. Depending on enrollment, evaluation will be based on presentations and/or term papers. The class will try and avoid the formalism of many body theory and other advanced theoretical techniques as much as possible.

Prerequisites: A sound understanding of quantum mechanics including elementary perturbation theory. An undergraduate course in solid state physics will help but is not essential.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisites: A sound understanding of quantum mechanics including elementary perturbation theory. An undergraduate course in solid state physics will help but is not essential.