Professional Skills Course (488-0-20)
Claire Kirwin
Meeting Info
Kresge 3438 Philosophy Sem. Rm: Tues 9:00AM - 11:50AM
Overview of class
This workshop aims to prepare students for the academic job market, as well as guiding them towards resources for various alt-ac careers. It is aimed primarily at students planning to go on the job market in Fall 2024.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, students will have prepared and revised key materials for the academic job market; they will also have insight into alternative career possibilities beyond the academy.
Evaluation Method
No final assessment.
Class Materials (Required)
All class materials will be available on Canvas at NO cost to the student.
All materials will be made available on Canvas.
Class Notes
Students looking to go on the job market in Fall 2024 should speak to their advisers before beginning the course.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Registration is reserved for Philosophy PhD Graduate Students