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Topics in Neuroscience (390-0-20)


Neurobiology of Homeostatic Behavior


Justin Brown

Meeting Info

Technological Institute M349: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

In this class we will look at the neuroscience of homeostatic behaviors including 1) the regulation of body temperature, 2) food intake and the regulation of energy balance, and 3) fluid intake and the regulation of water balance. We will study the underlying neural circuits including central, and autonomic pathways. Students will evaluate scientific literature and communicate previously published research findings in both writing and in PowerPoint presentations. Students need no prior experience with reading scientific literature or delivering scientific presentation but will practice these skills throughout the class.

This course may be used as a Group B neuroscience elective or as an Allied Field in Biology.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisites: NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; NEUROSCI 311-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or BIOL_SCI 302-0.

Learning Objectives

By completing this course, you will learn
•Neuroscience vocabulary
•Basic structure and function of the mammalian autonomic nervous system
•Historical perspectives and recent developments in neuroscience research
•Methods and approaches used to study the nervous system and their strengths and limitations
•Ethical issues in neuroscience, including the use of animals in research
•Scientific presentation skills
•Science writing skills

Teaching Method

Lecture, discussion, student presentations.

Evaluation Method

Student presentations, written assignments. Some student presentations will held on the day of the class' final exam.

Class Materials (Required)

Northwestern Canvas account access.

Class Materials (Suggested)


Class Notes

This course may be used as a Group B neuroscience elective or as an Allied Field in Biology.

Prerequisites: NEUROSCI 202-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or NEUROSCI 311-0 and NEUROSCI 206-0; or BIOL_SCI 302-0.