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Undergraduate Seminar (395-0-91)


Ursula Porod

Meeting Info

Lunt Hall 104: Mon, Wed, Fri 3:00PM - 3:50PM

Overview of class

Title: Random Walks on Graphs and Electric Networks

Random walks on graphs have a myriad of applications in areas such as physics, biology, economics, engineering, and computer science. The idea of studying random walks on graphs as electrical networks was first introduced by Kakutani in the 1940's and later popularized by Doyle and Snell. The analogy reveals interesting connections between certain laws of physics, discrete harmonic functions, and the study of reversible Markov chains. Quantities such as access times, commute times, and escape probabilities for random walks can be phrased and often very efficiently computed in the language of electrical networks. For infinite graphs, a highlight application of the electrical network approach will be an elegant proof of PĆ³lya's famous Recurrence Theorem for random walks on lattices from 1921.

Prerequisites: Probability and Markov chain theory (such as Math 310-1,2 or Math 311-1,2).

Class Materials (Required)

No required materials.

Class Materials (Suggested)

No materials suggested.

Class Attributes

Advanced Expression

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Registration in this course is reserved for students who are majoring or minoring in Mathematics.