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Introduction to the Theory of Numbers (336-2-61)


Maria Nastasescu

Meeting Info

Lunt Hall 107: Mon, Wed, Fri 12:00PM - 12:50PM

Overview of class

This course will focus on the interconnections between continued fractions, Diophantine equations, and algebraic number theory. Applications to cryptography and computer explorations using the Sage software. Familiarity with the Euclidean algorithm, congruences, and the basic properties of the Euler phi function are required. Prerequisite: MATH 230

Class Materials (Required)

Title: An Introduction to Number Theory with Cryptography, 2nd Edition
Authors: Kraft, Washington
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Chapman
ISBN: ‎978-1138063471

Class Materials (Suggested)

No suggested materials. See required materials.

Class Attributes

Formal Studies Distro Area

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: Students must have completed or currently enrolled in MATH 336-1

Associated Classes

DIS - Lunt Hall 107: Tues 12:00PM - 12:50PM