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Experimental Approaches to Word Form Processing (315-0-20)


Matthew Goldrick
2016 Sheridan Road, Rm 105
Office Hours: by appt

Meeting Info

Annenberg Hall G01: Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

We effortlessly recognize printed and spoken words, understand novel and complex sentences, and produce fluent speech thousands of times each day. Psycholinguistics aims to understand how we do this; to understand the structure of the mental processes that support these behaviors. This course will introduce you to the theoretical and practical aspects of this field. Reading, critical analysis, and discussion of current research papers will be used to explore psycholinguistic theories. We will also design, run, and analyze an experiment to help understand the practical aspects of psycholinguistic research.

Registration Requirements

Social and Behavioral Sciences Foundational Discipline; Prerequisite one 200 level course in linguistics or permission

Learning Objectives

-Recognize the structure of psycholinguistic theories of language processing. How do psycholinguists try to explain our ability to produce and comprehend language?

-Learn how to critically evaluate psycholinguistic theories. How can we analyze and think about behavioral data to resolve theoretical questions?

-To inform and support your interests in linguistics. This course should help you get engaged with the area and excited about becoming involved in research!

Teaching Method

Lecture, discussion

Evaluation Method

Written analyses of primary literature, participation in discussion

Class Materials (Required)

Course materials are free, distributed by the class Canvas site.

Class Attributes

Advanced Expression
Social and Behavioral Science Foundational Discipl
Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisiste: Registration is restricted to students who have completed any 200 level course in Linguistics.