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Fundamentals of Laboratory Phonology (350-0-20)


Jennifer S Cole
2016 Sheridan Road, Rm 103
Office Hours: By appt

Meeting Info

Cresap Laboratory 101: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

This course explores the sound patterns that shape the words and phrases of human languages, the mental representation of sound patterns, and how speakers and hearers relate the physical expression of speech (in acoustics and articulation) to its mental representation. These topics will be addressed through the analysis of diverse languages, using formal methods to build phonological grammars as models of the speaker/hearer's knowledge of sound patterns, and using experimental methods and quantitative modeling to examine how speakers and hearers relate the physical, continuous dimensions of speech in its acoustic and articulatory form to their mental representations.

Learning Objectives

- To recognize and describe sound patterns in diverse languages.
- To understand how phonological theory models sound patterns and the processes that relate speech to its mental representation.
- To analyze phonetic and behavioral data to explore questions in phonology. To evaluate hypotheses and theories about phonological representations, grammars, and cognitive mechanisms for phonological processing.
- To create plans for novel research to advance understanding in phonology

Teaching Method

Lecture and Discussion

Evaluation Method

In-class activities (10%);
Homework (25%);
Explainer presentation (5%);
Labs (60%)

Class Materials (Required)

Title: The Sounds of Language by Elizabeth C. Zsiga
Publication Date: January 18, 2013 (1st edition)
ISBN-13: 978-1405191036

Class Attributes

Natural Sciences Foundational Discipline
Natural Sciences Distro Area