Readings in Latin Literature (310-0-2)
Abbe Walker
Meeting Info
University Library 3622: Mon, Wed 12:30PM - 1:50PM
Overview of class
In this course, we will do a close reading of a medieval Latin poem written by Willetrudis, a German nun, addressed to her fellow nuns, her sorores. This poem tackles the troubling biblical story of Susanna, a married woman who is assaulted by two men of standing in her community, falsely accused of adultery, and forced to stand trial (Daniel 13). This story of violence against a woman and others structurally like it (e.g., The Rape of Lucretia) were commonly told in Latin literature throughout and beyond antiquity, but Willetrudis allows us to view them anew from the perspective of a female author writing for a female audience. In addition to reading and translating Willetrudis' de Susanna, we will collaborate as a class to create an open-access commentary that will encourage further reading of this little known and poorly studied text.
Class Materials (Required)
No textbook required.
Class Notes
Please use the following link for Classics waitlist information:
Class Attributes
Advanced Expression
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area