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Introduction to Topics in History (292-0-28)


History of Western Marriage


Claire Courtney Arnold

Meeting Info

Harris Hall L04: Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

Have you ever wondered why need a license to get married? Or a lawyer for a divorce? How did the state get so involved in our personal relationships? This course explores the history of marriage in the western world from the French Revolution through the legalization of same-sex marriage in the 2000s. We'll learn how marriage became defined and regulated by modern states, how those definitions changed over time, and how marriage has been an important tool for both granting and denying benefits such as citizenship, property ownership, and legal rights.

Learning Objectives

 Understand the social, cultural, legal, and economic components of marriage in modern western history.  Understand how marriage has changed over time.  Learn how to and practice analyzing historical documents (primary sources.)  Identify some of the different methodologies historians use to study the past.  Practice participating in productive classroom discussion.

Evaluation Method

Quizzes and exams (40%), final paper (40%), participation (20%)

Class Notes

Concentration: Americas. European

Class Attributes

Historical Studies Foundational Discipline
Historical Studies Distro Area