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Thesis Seminar (398-3-20)


Caitlin Fitz
Harris Hall - Room 205

Meeting Info

Harris Hall room 101: Mon 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class

This is a full-year course for students writing a senior honors thesis in history. In the fall quarter, the class will meet as a seminar to discuss issues relating to the writing of history, how to organize a thesis, how to evaluate evidence, and the use of primary and secondary sources. In the winter quarter, students will finish researching their thesis and write a first draft. Then in the spring quarter, students will complete their thesis. Throughout the year, students will meet with their thesis advisers and the 398 seminar leader to work on proposals, outlines, and drafts, and to discuss their progress toward completion of their thesis. In order to graduate with honors in history, students must successfully complete their thesis and have it approved. However, it is possible for students to complete the three quarters of this course with respectable grades but not be awarded honors.

Registration Requirements

Departmental permission
Honors Students Only

Evaluation Method

Completion of thesis

Class Materials (Required)

Provided via Canvas or by instructor

Class Notes

Honors students only

Class Attributes

Advanced Expression