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Hebrew II (121-3-20)


Ronit Alexander
Crowe 4-103, 1860 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208

Meeting Info

Kresge 3354 German Seminar Rm.: Mon, Wed, Fri 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

Second-year Hebrew is a three-quarter sequence covering comprehensive grammar explanations and examples as well as cultural themes. The purpose of this course is to enlarge the students' vocabulary, and to reinforce and expand their knowledge of Hebrew grammar, as well as to deepen their knowledge of Israeli culture. Class will consist of interactive exercises for the intermediate learner, readings of a level-appropriate difficulty with more information on Israeli daily life and reality and listening to form of songs and clips in Hebrew. In Hebrew 121-3, taught in the Spring quarter, we will expand our knowledge of past tense verbs to forms of פעל שלמים (לכתוב, לאכול, לרקוד) and פעל ל"ה (לרצות, לעשות) andפיעל (לדבר, לספר) and הפעיל (להזמין, להרגיש)and התפעל (להתרגש, להתלבש). These variety of forms will allow us to develop our self-expression and to include writing and conversations about childhood memories, everyday situations like visit at the doctor, volunteering in organizations, and more. We will learn more prepositions and their conjugations (like שלי, שלך) and more useful grammar structures like צריך, יכול, אפשר. We will have a fun unit about family and childhood (prepare your pictures!) and we will also learn about the Jerusalemite Zoo. As always, grammar and new vocabulary will be woven into the content.

Registration Requirements

Hebrew 121-2 or equivalent; or instructor consent.

Learning Objectives

At the end of second-year, students will be able to speak about themselves, family members and friends, their studies, trips, wants and desires, etc. Students will be able to read and comprehend basic authentic texts and write simple texts with increased accuracy. After completing second year, students will be able to take third year classes to deepen their cultural knowledge of Hebrew and its natural sphere, Israel.

Teaching Method

The lessons will center on the reading and discussion of texts and dialogues and include interactive group work. Homework assignments will emphasize written exercises, compositions and preparation for oral presentations in class as well as oral interviews at the end of the quarters.

Evaluation Method

A student's grade for this course will be based upon participation, homework and preparedness for class, attendance at several cultural events, four quizzes [given throughout the quarter], and an oral presentation in class or an oral interview.

Class Materials (Required)

Hebrew From Scratch Part 1 (in Hebrew: Ivrit Min Ha-Hatchala Ha-Chadash Bet) Written by: Shlomit Chayat, Sarah Israeli, Hila Kobliner Printed by Akademon Press through Magnes Press, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2015 ISBN-13: 978-0840008497 ISBN-10: 084000849X

Class Notes

This class is taught in Hebrew. Daily homework and occasional presentations are integral to class to maximize successful learning.