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Accelerated Elementary Ancient and Biblical Greek (115-2-1)


Ryan Platte
Kresge Hall 4355
Office Hours: 10-12 pm and by appointment

Meeting Info

Kresge 4364 Classics Sem Rm: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs 3:30PM - 4:20PM

Overview of class

This course is the second in a two-term accelerated series designed to teach students to read ancient Greek, making accessible much of the world's most influential literature, from the biblical New Testament to Homeric poetry and Platonic philosophy. In this course we will complete our study of the fundamentals of Greek grammar, making students ready to transition into second-year courses in the New Testament, classical Greek oratory, and Homeric epic. Thereafter students will be able to progress to a wide range of genres from the classical and post-classical periods, including ancient Greek history, poetry, philosophy, drama, and more.

Class Materials (Required)

Shelmerdine, Cynthia. Introduction to Greek 3rd edition. 978-1585109609