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Introduction to Greek Literature (201-3-1)


Ryan Platte
Kresge Hall 4355
Office Hours: 10-12 pm and by appointment

Meeting Info

Kresge 4364 Classics Sem Rm: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

This course is the third and final element of the second-year Greek series. In this course we will read significant sections of Homer's Iliad in the original language. Students will develop an ability to read the Homeric dialect and gain an understanding of the conventions of ancient epic poetry. As we explore the earliest European literary work we will also survey several important scholarly issues regarding the nature and history of the poem, including the nature of its composition and its place in ancient Greek society.

Class Materials (Required)

Selections from Homer's Iliad by Benner (978-0806133638)