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Gender, Sexuality, and Public Policy (351-0-1)


Gender, Sexuality, and the Carceral System


Abby Barefoot

Meeting Info

Kresge Cent. Hall 2-380 Kaplan: Mon, Wed 9:30AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

This course explores the rise of the carceral state in the United States with particular attention to ethnographic, sociolegal, feminist, queer, and transgender theoretical approaches to the study of prisons. The course centers on girls, women, and LGBT people's experiences with systems of punishment, surveillance, and control. In addition, students will learn how feminist and queer activists have responded to institutions of policing and mass incarceration; investigate how they have understood prison reform, prison abolition, and transformative justice; and consider the political, ethical, and methodological concerns that policing, and mass incarceration raise.

Teaching Method

Lecture and discussion

Evaluation Method

two exams and a group project and presentation.

Class Attributes

Social & Behavioral Sciences Distro Area