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Topics in Gender and Sexuality Studies (390-0-21)


Feminism and Social Change


Sarah Brown

Meeting Info

Women's Ctr Comm Rm - 2000 She: Tues, Thurs 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

This course pairs contemporary feminist thought with local community-based organizing to better understand how theory and praxis inform one another. Thanks to the generous support of the Kreeger Wolf Fund, Feminism and Social Change will feature guest speakers from the Chicago area. Students will learn a variety of ways to engage in change-making and engage in unique end of quarter final projects designed to fuel their own activism.

Classes will meet at the Women's Center.

Registration Requirements

Roots of Feminism pre-req if possible

Learning Objectives

Be able to communicate core tenets of community-based organizing and be bale to name how theory and praxis are impacting the city of Chicago.

Teaching Method

reading, discussion, lecture, writing assignments, guest lectures, power mapping

Evaluation Method

participation, final projects, written work