Special Topics in Global Health (390-0-32)
Global Epidemics
Sokhieng Au
Meeting Info
University Hall 418: Tues, Thurs 9:30AM - 10:50AM
Overview of class
From modern pandemics such as Ebola and COVID-19, to ancient scourges such as leprosy and the plague, epidemics have shaped human history. In turn, the response of human societies to infectious disease threats have varied wildly in time and across cultures. We are currently living such an event, and experiencing in dramatic fashion how disease reshapes society. This course will cover several prominent global epidemic episodes, examining the biology of the disease, epidemic pathways, sociopolitical responses and public health measures, and the relationship between the scientific and the cultural consequences of these outbreaks.
Class Materials (Required)
All required materials will be available on Canvas.
Class Attributes
No Freshmen