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Special Topics in Global Health (390-0-30)


R.E.C.I.P.E. (Returning Ethnic Culinary Importance


Charlayne F Mitchell

Meeting Info

Locy Hall 303: Wed 11:00AM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

The characteristics of a good recipe are said to have a list of the ingredients, the amounts needed, and the directions for mixing the ingredients. However, outside of food-based ingredients, there are also social elements that contribute to a good recipe. Food is something that outside of the social constructs of race, phobias, and isms, that can bind us all together. This interdisciplinary course focuses on defining togetherness, belongingness, and the end goal of a recipe— eating. Through the lens of recipes, meal-making, social stigmas, nutrition, and health students will explore how cultural culinary practices have become evidence for illnesses, diseases, and death for certain bodies. Course readings, videos, dialogue, and recipe analyses will provide a critical lens for students to delve into the multifaceted dimensions of culinary practices, their impact on individuals and communities, and how some practices have been sifted through and out.

Class Materials (Required)

All required materials will be available on Canvas.

Class Attributes

No Freshmen