Advanced Creative Cross-Genre Writing (309-0-20)
Spoken Word and the Radiophonic Imagination
John Bresland
Meeting Info
University Hall 118: Tues, Thurs 3:30PM - 4:50PM
Overview of class
Students write and produce multiple prose and poetic works, layering the spoken word with evocative sonic textures, instrumentation and environmental sounds as we investigate what it means to write primarily for the ear. We will wear multiple hats: writing, performing, producing. We will use field mics and studio mics as we harness our unique voices and the voices of others. And we will be on computers, learning to use audio editing software to craft polished, multilayered soundscapes. Our goal is to become more practiced writers and performers, more accomplished multimedia producers, and to possess a greater range of artistic expression. Open to writers of all genres and skill levels.
Class Materials (Required)
Audio works by Steve Reich, Sandra Tsing Loh, Janine Jackson, Joe Frank, Axel KacoutiƩ, Gil Scott-Heron, Tom Waits, Laurie Anderson, Ken Nordine, Delia Derbyshire and Miranda July.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite: ENGLISH 206-0, ENGLISH 207-0, ENGLISH 208-0, or Department consent.