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Earth Science for the 21st Century (101-0-01)


Steven Jacobsen
Tech F297
Office Hours: by appointment

Meeting Info

Tech Institute Lecture Room 2: Tues, Thurs 11:00AM - 12:20PM

Overview of class

Earth science encompasses the geology, chemistry, biology, and physics of our planet, while appreciating its beauty.

Environmental degradation, natural resources, energy, climate change, and geologic hazards are among the most pressing issues facing society in the 21st century. This course introduces students to Earth science through topical lectures and discussion of current events and research in Earth science.

Topics include formation, evolution, structure, and composition of the Earth, plate tectonics and the rock cycle, the water cycle, climate change, paleoclimate, peak oil and fracking, renewable energy, nuclear fuel cycle and policy, geology of the National Parks, and job prospects in Earth science.

Class Materials (Required)

No textbook required for this course

Class Attributes

Natural Sciences Foundational Discipline
Natural Sciences Distro Area