Studies in Literary Theory (481-0-20)
Russian Formalism
Nina Gurianova
1880 Campus Dr. #3365
Office Hours: Wednesdays 1:00-2:00pm and by appointment
Meeting Info
Locy Hall 110: Mon 3:00PM - 5:50PM
Overview of class
RUSSIAN FORMALISM. This seminar will examine the school and theory of Russian Formalism, which influenced and informed many developments in the XX century literary and art theory, from Prague Linguistic Circle through Structuralism and Semiotics. Along with the detailed study of the critical and theoretical essays by such adherents of Formalism as Victor Shklovsky, Roman Jacobson, Yuri Tynianov, Boris Eikhenbaum, et al., we will be exploring the major works of Russian modernism and avant-garde in literature and film through the methodological approach of Formalist theory. Special focus on the issues of Formalism and Marxism, Formalism and History, and the interconnections between culture and politics of the time.
Discussion and presentations in English.
Class Notes
Discussion and presentations in English.