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Cognitive Science Proseminar (366-0-1)


William Horton

Meeting Info

Locy Hall 111: Thurs 3:00PM - 5:50PM

Overview of class

This course provides a seminar-style introduction to core concepts and emerging questions from across the Cognitive Sciences. It is designed for students who are either Cognitive Science majors (priority registration) or who are interested in learning about cognitive science more broadly. We will immerse ourselves in current topics and research in the area, with a particular focus on cognitive science research as conducted here at Northwestern University. This will be accomplished through assigned readings of recent research articles in conjunction with informal presentations/Q&A sessions by Northwestern faculty from departments and programs across NU, along with class discussions and written reactions to course topics along with a final paper presentation.

Registration Requirements

Priority given to majors and minors in Cognitive Science, or consent of instructor needed

Learning Objectives

Students will:
- gain familiarity with classic and contemporary topics, methodologies, findings related to the study of the mind and brain within Cognitive Science
- have the opportunity to engage critically with Northwestern Cognitive Science faculty and researchers
- gain experience thinking and writing about diverse research studies from the primary research literature in Cognitive Science
- deepen their interest in and knowledge of topics from across the cognitive sciences

Teaching Method

Class participation: Required portion of the course grade
Discussion: Weekly discussions of assigned readings/presentations
Guest speakers: Weekly presentations from 2 NU faculty researchers
Readings: Assigned weekly readings
Seminar: Informal discussion about weekly topics
Writing Assignments: Weekly written responses to readings/presentations

Evaluation Method

Class participation: 20% of final grade
Final paper: 30% of final grade
Writing Assignments: 50% of final grade

Class Materials (Required)

No required textbook. All readings will be made available as PDFs on Canvas

Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory