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First-Year Writing Seminar (101-8-1)


Jennifer Weintritt

Meeting Info

Allison Residential Comm 1021: Mon, Wed 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

How does a work of literature become a "classic?" What separates a classic from all the other good books that exist? What belongs in our educational curriculum or "What to Watch" lists, and who decides? Most importantly, what do a society's answers to these questions tell us about its values and cultural identity?
To answer "What Makes a Classic?," we'll divide our attention between the literature that constitutes the canon and the critical apparatus that maintains this special status for certain works while excluding others. In the first half of the quarter, we take Vergil's Aeneid and its reception as our focus. Later we'll turn to classics from other premodern cultures, such as the Icelandic Sagas and the 11th century Japanese novel The Tale of Genji. Our writing projects will focus on developing students' own ideas about how classicism works and what recent cultural products have the potential to become classics.

Class Materials (Required)

Bartsch, Shadi, trans. 2021. Vergil. The Aeneid. New York: Modern Library. ISBN 978-1-9848-5412-4

Class Attributes

WCAS Writing Seminar

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Weinberg First Year Seminars are only available to first-year students.