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Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (435-0-01)


Solid State Chemistry


Mercouri Kanatzidis

Meeting Info

Technological Institute L168: Tues, Thurs 12:30PM - 1:50PM

Overview of class

This course introduces graduate students to the fundamentals of solid state and materials chemistry as well as advanced concepts and recent key developments in the field.
1. Structure of Solids a. Description of Crystals; Classification and polyhedral representation of Inorganic Structures. b. Structure Types: c. Band Theory d. Crystal Defects and Non-stoichiometry
2. Preparative Methods
3. Special Topics and Applications
4. Elementary Devices

Class Materials (Required)

No specific text is required. The course will make use of notes, original literature and review articles. Handouts in the form of pdf files will be uploaded on CANVAS. All notes will be scanned and emailed to you or uploaded to CANVAS. Relevant articles from the literature will be sent to class via email.

Class Materials (Suggested)

1) Solids and Surfaces: A Chemist's View of Bonding in Extended Structures, by Hoffmann, R.
2) Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications (Paperback, any edition) by Anthony R. West
3) Solid State Chemistry: Volume 1: Techniques (Vol 1) (Paperback), by A. K. Cheetham (Editor), P. Day (Editor)
4) Structural Inorganic Chemistry, by A. F. Wells (Author)
5) Electrical Properties of Materials [Paperback] Laszlo Solymar (Author), Donald Walsh (Author) Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; 8 edition (December 20, 2009)
6) Bonding, Energy Levels and Bands in Inorganic Solids [Paperback] Jennifer A. Duffy (Author) Publisher: Longman Group United Kingdom (June 1990)