Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (435-0-03)
Electronic Spectroscopy of Complexes of the Transi
Bryan M Hunter
Meeting Info
Technological Institute L168: Tues, Thurs 6:00PM - 7:30PM
Overview of class
Electronic Spectroscopy of Complexes of the Transition Elements: The development of a modern theory for the electronic structures of transition metal complexes began in earnest in the mid-1900s. In this course we will track the evolution of this conversation through the analysis of spectroscopic challenges in the primary literature. Topics may include but are not limited to the theory of transition metal ions (crystal field theory), electron-electron repulsion, molecular orbital theory (ligand field theory), group theory, correlation diagrams for partially filled p and d configurations, and the much dreaded problem of spin-orbit coupling perturbation. We will focus on applications relevant to the research direction of enrolled students. Assessments will be based on problem sets and a final original research paper assembled by the class.
Registration Requirements
Enrollment is limited to graduate students in the Chemistry Department, well-prepared undergraduate Chemistry majors, and others with permission of the instructor. A familiarity with group theory is expected.
Class Materials (Suggested)
Title: Symmetry and Spectroscopy : An Introduction to Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy
Author: Harris and Bertolucci
ISBN: 9780486661445
Approx. Price: $23
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Registration in this class is restricted to graduate students in the Chemistry Department and Chemistry undergraduate majors. Other students may register with department permission.