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Introductory Instrumental Analysis (220-0-01)


Joseph Hupp

Katie Gesmundo

Meeting Info

Schapiro Hall 101: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

The Chemistry 220 course provides an introduction to basic techniques of instrumental analysis, and broadly classifies them into separations and interactions with light. Specific techniques explored include gas and high performance liquid chromatography, uv/visible spectroscopy, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy, elemental analysis by ICP atomic emission spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry. You will learn the theories behind these techniques in class lectures and you will learn to operate these instruments and analyze data from them in the lab.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Chem 152/162 or Chem 172/182 (C- or better); planned concurrent enrollment in Chem 132/142 with permission; or instructor permission.

Class Materials (Required)

Title: Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 9th or 10th edition
Author: Harris
Publisher: WH Freeman
ISBN: 9781464135385
Approx price: $320 new, $141 rental, $55 ebook rental

Class Notes

If you can't register for the open sections, or if all sections have closed, please fill out this form:

Associated Classes

LAB - Technological Institute B160: Mon 1:00PM - 5:50PM

LAB - Technological Institute B160: Tues 1:00PM - 5:50PM

LAB - Technological Institute B160: Wed 1:00PM - 5:50PM

LAB - Technological Institute B160: Thurs 1:00PM - 5:50PM

LAB - Technological Institute B160: Fri 1:00PM - 5:50PM