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Accelerated Organic Chemistry III (217-3-01)


Karl Scheidt

Meeting Info

Technological Institute M128: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs 9:00AM - 9:50AM

Overview of class

This course builds on the fundamentals developed in Chemistry 217-1 and 217-2. It will include pericyclic reactions, functional group participation, rearrangements, fragmentations, radical reactions, synthesis and reactions of high energy intermediates, and bioorganic chemistry topics.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisite: Student must earn a grade of C- or better in Chemistry 217-2 and Chemistry 237-2.

Students enrolled in this course MUST also enroll in the associated lab course, CHEM 235-3

Class Materials (Required)

Title: Organic Chemistry, 2nd edition
Author: Clayden et al.
Publisher: Oxford Univ Press
ISBN: 9780199270293
Approx. price: $245 new, $60 ebook
Note: this is the same text used in 217-1 and 217-2

Class Materials (Suggested)

1. Title: Solutions Manual to Accompany Organic Chemistry, ed 2
Author: Clayden and Warren
Publisher: Oxford Univ Press
ISBN: 9780199663347
Approx. price: $85 new, $40 ebook rental
Note: this is the same recommended text used in 217-1 and 217-2.

2. Molecular Modeling Kit (approx. $30)

Class Attributes

Natural Sciences Distro Area

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Co-Requisite: Students must also register for Chemistry 235-3-01. Add both classes to the shopping cart and submit together for successful registration. Pre-Requisite: Registration requires completion of CHEM 217-2 and CHEM 237-2 with a minimum of C-, or be currently enrolled in CHEM 217-2 & 237-2. Must be taken concurrently with CHEM 235-3. Students may not receive credit for both CHEM 217-3 & 212-3.