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Professional Linkage Seminar (394-LK-20)


Lessons in Non-Profit Management (campusCATALYST)


Kathleen Weaver
Office Hours: By Appointment
Katie Hytros has extensive experience across the nonprofit, public and private sectors and currently serves as a coach and consultant to nonprofit organizations and their leaders. Katie has held leadership roles at Future Leaders of Chicago, Chicago Public Schools (CPS), and New Leaders and was a member of the founding team at The Bridgespan Group. In the private sector, Katie spent several years as a strategy consultant at Bain & Company. Katie holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering from the University of Michigan, an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and is a graduate of The Broad Residency in Urban Education.

Meeting Info

Kresge Centennial Hall 2-331: Wed 2:00PM - 4:50PM

Overview of class


The instructor of "Lessons in Non-Profit Management" is: Katie Hytros

This course is jointly sponsored by Business Institutions and a student organization called campusCatalyst. The course is taught by a leader in the Chicagoland non-profit community and combines both a consulting experience with area non-profits facing organizational strategy issues with classroom lectures and discussions on the nonprofit sector. The class is composed of 25 students who are split into teams of five, and matched with local non-profit organizations and Kellogg MBA mentors, to work on quarter-long consulting engagements. Students directly engage with their client organizations in the field and then collectively meet once per week to discuss issues and problems they are facing with one another and their instructor, as well as to attend a series of classroom lectures on the nonprofit sector. To inform and guide students' interactions with non-profits, the classroom sessions will provide an overview of the non-profit sector and the growing trends towards greater accountability, transparency and performance management. Students will explore the changing roles and responsibilities of non-profits, as shaped by both the public and private sector, and they will examine the implications of these trends. The course curriculum has two parts: 1) introducing students to the so-called Third Sector and the present political and economic systems that influence how it serves the public good and 2) examining business strategy and management and their applicability to non-profits. The over-arching goal of the course is to create a foundation of knowledge from which students can draw upon as they work together with community non-profits. This course is an opportunity to innovate, collaborate, learn and apply a new set of skills and knowledge while impacting the community.

Registration Requirements

Students must apply to take this course.

Information about application deadlines for future quarters and how to apply as well as more information about campusCatalyst can be found at:

Learning Objectives

1. Students will successfully develop tangible solutions to specific, measurable problems faced by community-based nonprofit organizations.

2. Students will gain an understanding of the basics of the consulting process and how to conduct a professional business relationship.

3. Through readings, class discussion, and interaction with guest speakers, students will gain an understanding of the social sector and trends that are changing the way nonprofit organizations and other social enterprises pursue their charitable, philanthropic and broader, mission-oriented objectives.

Class Materials (Required)

All course texts will be available on Canvas.

Class Notes

Application-only course.

Apply online:

Those accepted to cC (Campus Catalyst) will be given permission to enroll in this course.


Class Attributes

Attendance at 1st class mandatory
Registration is By Application Only