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Principles of Biochemistry (301-0-2)


Heather Pinkett
Cook Hall, 4-133

Meeting Info

Tech Institute Lecture Room 2: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00AM - 10:50AM

Overview of class

This class is an introductory level biochemistry course. It covers basic topics such as macromolecular structure and function of biologically relevant macromolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids), membrane structure, membrane transport, signal transduction, chemical logic in metabolic transformations, carbohydrate metabolism, the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain. The course strongly emphasizes conceptual understanding and offers extensive student-teacher interaction. Active participation in all course elements is encouraged and advantageous as students are expected to move past memorization of facts to a fully interconnected and integrated understanding that allows students to apply their knowledge to solve complex problems. This course will equip students preparing for the MCAT and upper level biochemistry courses. Quizzes (30 minutes) are held during the Wednesday 7-8:50pmpm discussion section for Biol_Sci 301. The first midterm is scheduled for Wed. April 24th from 7-9pm. The second midterm is scheduled Wed. May 22nd from 7-9pm. If another class conflicts with a Biol_Sci 301 quizzes and exams, we do not offer an alternate time. The lowest score of the six quizzes will be automatically dropped.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisites: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 201 and have completed or be currently enrolled in, CHEM 210-1 or CHEM 212-1 or CHEM 215-1.

Evaluation Method

There will be 2 exams, and weekly quizzes (Wed evenings) and homework assignments (Achieve). The second midterm is not cumulative. These will test proficiency through a combination of open questions in three categories: common knowledgebase, conceptual understanding, and complex problem-solving skills. To do well on these tests, it is essential that students are able to make connections between disparate pieces knowledge/class content, and to apply knowledge to unfamiliar new contexts.

Class Materials (Required)

There are two options for the textbook and materials. Previous editions are acceptable as Achieve has been fully integrated into the 4th Edition. I. Achieve for Biochemistry: A Short Course (1-Term Access), ISBN 9781319402815. II. Loose-leaf Version for Biochemistry: A Short Course & Achieve for Biochemistry: A Short Course (1-Term Access), ISBN 9781319425562

Class Notes

No P/N

Class Attributes

Natural Sciences Distro Area

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites: Students must have completed BIOL_SCI 201-0 and CHEM 210-1 or CHEM 212-1 or CHEM 215-1 or CHEM 217-1 to register for this course.

Associated Classes

DIS - Fisk Hall 217: Wed 7:00PM - 8:50PM