Introduction to Astrobiology (111-0-1)
Jason Wang
Meeting Info
Annenberg Hall G15: Mon, Wed, Fri 3:00PM - 3:50PM
Overview of class
The modern scientific perspective on the question of life elsewhere in the universe. Topics to be discussed include the origin, nature, and evolution of life on Earth, the search and prospects for life elsewhere in the solar system including Mars and Europa, the discovery and character of exoplanet systems, the prospects for detecting exoplanet biospheres, and the search for intelligent extraterrestrial life. This WCAS Area I distribution course is designed for non-science majors.
Class Materials (Required)
Life in the Universe, 5th Edition
Jeffrey Bennett, Seth Shostak, Nicholas Schneider, and Meredith MacGregor
ISBN: 9780691241784
Class Attributes
Natural Sciences Foundational Discipline
Natural Sciences Distro Area