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Medieval Art: Late Medieval (320-3-1)


Christina E Normore

Meeting Info

Kresge Centennial Hall 2-430: Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00AM - 9:50AM

Overview of class

From the towering heights of Chartres and Amiens to the pages of personalized manuscripts, late medieval architecture and art were vital forces within a rapidly changing world. This course investigates European artistic production from the rise of Gothic architecture in the Ile-de-France in the mid-twelfth century to the end of the Middle Ages. Special attention will be given to the role of the senses in the search for knowledge, the complex interactions between cultures made visible in their artistic production, the motivations behind the technical developments showcased in the great cathedrals, and the rise of concepts such as chivalry and courtly love.

Class Materials (Required)

No textbook required.

Class Attributes

Historical Studies Foundational Discipline
Literature and Arts Foundational Discipline
Historical Studies Distro Area
Interdisciplinary Distro-rules apply
Literature & Fine Arts Distro Area