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Arabic II (121-3-21)


Rana Raddawi
Crowe 4-121

Meeting Info

Kresge 4531 MENA Seminar Rm: Mon, Wed, Fri 2:00PM - 3:20PM

Overview of class

Second-year Arabic will focus on the integrated approach which blends the standard Arabic, Fuṣḥā, and the dialect or colloquial language, āmmiyya, in a way that reflects the authentic practice of native Arabic speakers. We will develop reading and writing skills using Modern Standard Arabic and speaking and listening skills using an educated spoken version of the āmmiyya of the Levantine dialect. The integrated approach successfully teaches the reality of the Arabic sociolinguistic and diglossic situation and prepares students fully for the various settings and contexts of the Arab world.

This quarter, we will start with Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part Two, second edition) focusing on culture, history, and useful vocabulary and phrases to communicate in a real-life context. Students will learn about the modern Arab world and its history, geography, culture and language. Different media tools will be used such as games, crosswords, songs, movies, interviews, and documentaries about the Arab world culture and history.

In the Spring Quarter, we will cover Unit 1 (introduction and personal stories), Unit 2 (Work), Unit 3 (The Arabic Language), Unit 4 (Travel and Tourism).

Registration Requirements

Arabic 121-2 with a C- or equivalent; or permission of the instructor

Learning Objectives

After completing Second-Year Arabic, students will feel comfortable to speak about themselves, family members and friends, their studies, trips, wants and desires using full sentences. Students will be able to read and comprehend basic authentic texts and write lengthier paragraphs with increased accuracy. Students will have a good understanding of Arabic grammar, which, among others, includes the root and pattern system, the verbal patterns, and case markings of nouns.

Teaching Method

Second year Arabic uses a communicative, proficiency-oriented approach. Students will communicate with the instructor in Arabic and will practice new vocabulary and grammar concepts orally in class. The instructor will give grammar explanations in Arabic and help students integrate the new rules to improve speaking and writing. Students will use class time to do group work in Arabic and get feedback on their speaking and pronunciation.

Evaluation Method

Students will be assessed using a variety of input: homework, class preparation, attendance and participation, short quizzes given throughout the quarter, and an oral interview or presentation at the end.

Class Materials (Required)

Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part Two): An Intermediate Course in Arabic. Younes, Al-Masri. 2022 Second Edition. Publisher: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1138353114, 113853116.

Class Notes

This class is taught in Arabic. Attendance is mandatory and there is daily homework.
The course is taught in Arabic and speaking intensive. Attendance is mandatory and all students should plan on daily homework outside of class. There are tutoring sessions available to all students to accelerate their language practice.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Students must have taken ARABIC 121-2 in order to register for this course.