Topics in Anthropology (490-0-5)
Ethnographic and Applied Research Issues
Doris S. Warriner
Meeting Info
Harris Hall L06: Wed 5:00PM - 7:50PM
Overview of class
This course introduces students to topics in cultural and linguistic anthropology that are informed by a critical and/or applied perspective. Students are asked to wrestle with questions about conducting ethnographic research, critical youth research in education, language and race, ideology and inequality, linguistic justice, the politics of language endangerment, neoliberal influences on the discipline, what counts as the canon, and the value of disrupting settler logics. The course also explores the potential of anthropology for interdisciplinary work, public-facing work, and/or collaboration with partners outside academia. This course will be of interest to those interested in applied anthropology, educational anthropology, linguistic anthropology, critical approaches to language studies, critical reflexivity, and the politics of knowledge production.
Learning Objectives
"a) explore recent work in cultural and linguistic anthropology that advances a critical perspective;
b) examine how engaged/ practicing/ applied anthropologists use theory and construct conceptual frameworks to inform their research questions, methods and analysis;
c) consider how engaged/ applied anthropological methods and theories link to questions of power, justice and democracy;
d) identify the possibilities and challenges involved in conducting ethnographic research and representing diverse communities;
e) develop a critical perspectives on diverse ways of doing engaged/ applied anthropology;
f) analyze how taken-for-granted assumptions about knowledge production are historically and culturally produced."
Class Materials (Required)
Flores, A. (2021). Succeeders: How Immigrant Youth are Transforming What it Means to Belong in America. University of California Press. ISBN: 978-0520376854
Other required readings available via canvas.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: Reserved for Graduate Students.