Advanced Creative Writing: Fiction II (307-B-62)
Lisa Stolley
Lisa Stolley has been teaching fiction and creative nonfiction courses at NU SPS for nearly a decade. In addition to teaching, she is a creative and professional writer. Her fiction has appeared in numerous literary journals, including Florida Review, Passages North, Other Voices, Washington Review, and others. She is a recipient of an Illinois Arts Council Award and a Pushcart Prize nominee. She earned an M.A. and Ph.D. from the Program for Writers at University of Illinois, Chicago.
Meeting Info
Online: Wed 6:15PM - 9:15PM
Overview of class
For students who have completed at least one course in fiction writing, this course will provide further study of matters of technique and structure, with an emphasis on the exploration of character and discovery of plot through the process of revising. Short stories by contemporary authors will be read as models. The course builds on the premises, assignments, and goals of English 307-A, but students may enroll without having completed that course. May not be audited for taken P/N.
Registration Requirements
ENGLISH 207 or 307-A or comparable courses in creative writing with permission of instructor. Students who have not completed ENGLISH 207 or 307-A should obtain instructor's consent and confirmation of appropriate writing experience. Please send an email to the professor with your writing background to request a permission number once registration for the quarter has opened.
Learning Objectives
Each student will refine and extend their knowledge of technique in fiction writing, at the same time as gaining experience in carrying a short story through several drafts.
Class Attributes
Synchronous:Class meets remotely at scheduled time
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements: ENGLISH 307-B