Team Leadership and Decision Making (250-DL-20)
Megan Bernard
Megan has been teaching with Northwestern’s School of Professional Studies since 2012. She studied at Trinity University, Indiana University, and earned her PhD in Rhetoric and Public Culture from and Northwestern University. She strives to provide learning opportunities that are relevant, productive, engaging and accessible for all students. She was raised in Colorado and lives in Chicago with her family.
Meeting Info
Online: TBA
Overview of class
This course is organized to expose students to foundational perspectives and concepts of effective, ethical leadership and collaboration. Our work together will focus upon communication principles and practices that support evaluation of others' leadership and your own practices as part of a team. We will explore models and theories that describe these topics and gain practice thinking and writing critically. The goal of this course is for students to leave with applicable knowledge and tactics that will help them to engage with others--as a leader and a team member-- to achieve good results in good conscience.
This course is conducted completely online. A technology fee will be added to tuition.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Define the core practices of leadership and recognize how those practices function in contexts.
Articulate the foundational behaviors related to sustainable teaming.
Summarize the behaviors and dynamics that can obstruct sustainable teaming.
Define diverse metrics for evaluating leadership, decision making, and team enterprises.
Appraise real-world instances of leadership, decision-making, and team enterprises to determine appropriate metrics for evaluation.
Implement diverse metrics for evaluating leadership, decision making and team enterprises to appraise efforts in context.
Appraise your individual strengths and consider how to employ them in diverse contexts.
Facilitate productive communication habits for functional, sustainable teams.
Class Materials (Required)
A reader from Harvard Business Review: The reader is $54.70 and all of the files are digital. Please contact me directly if this creates a difficulty for you.
Additional required readings and media are posted in Canvas.
Class Attributes
Asynchronous:Remote class-no scheduled mtg time