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Organic Chemistry Lab III (235-C-100)


Amine Garci

Meeting Info

Tech Institute Lecture Room 4: Sa 9:00AM - 1:00PM

Overview of class

Advanced concepts in modern organic chemistry will be introduced. The material will focus on recent developments in synthetic organic chemistry, including: concerted/pericyclic reactions, catalysis, green/environmental chemistry, automated synthesis, and combinatorial/screening methods. Additional topics will include an introduction to materials and polymer chemistry.

This course is required to be taken concurrently with CHEM 215-C. Additionally, while the material in the organic chemistry lecture and lab courses is intended to be linked, students should not expect the lecture and lab content to always align.

Registration Requirements

Prerequisite: completion of CHEM 215-B and CHEM 235-B with a grade of C- or better.

Enrollment Requirements

Enrollment Requirements: Pre Req: CHEM 215-B, 235-B, 210-B, 230-B